Assignment: Writing! Weblog Hall of Fame

Welcome to the Weblog Hall of Fame for the Assignment: Writing! contest, featuring winning entries for each contest. If you are an aspiring writer who would like to write stories like these, or if you're looking for a free and simple way to exercise writing skill and receive critiques, I hope you'll join us. Membership in CGalliance forums (also free) is all you need to join in on the current assignment:

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Winning Entry for 9/22, by Strong Fortress

Assignment: Write a monologue for a Biblical character of your choice.

Have you ever just felt so small, like everyone looked down on you? Let me tell you that I can relate. It was bad enough that the Midianites invaded our land and ruined our crops. Talk about oppression. But to add to that, try being the least in your family of the weakest clan. You’re treating like nothing. I didn’t think much of myself in those days. I believed what everyone thought of me, but that changed one day….That was the day the angel of the LORD appeared and called me to fight our oppressors. I looked to see who was behind me, I mean, he couldn’t be talking to me. I told him he must be mistaken because I am so insignificant. He simply replied the LORD would be with me.Soon after, the LORD called me to summon an army. Wow, was it a powerful show of force; I was sure we could win, even if I was leading it. But the LORD told me I had too many soldiers, so I cut down the number from 32,000 to 10,000 and then to 300 soldiers.“How could we win?” I prayed to the LORD. “Our numbers are so small!” But, you know what, we won that battle and the LORD let me know why. He said that the numbers had to be small because it was the only way our people would know that it was the LORD of Abraham, not them that did this, so they would turn from Baal back to Him. He said I needed to learn this lesson as well.You see, it does not matter what other men think when they see you, but how the LORD sees you. The LORD called me, Gideon, a “mighty warrior!” What is He calling you?