Assignment: Writing! Weblog Hall of Fame

Welcome to the Weblog Hall of Fame for the Assignment: Writing! contest, featuring winning entries for each contest. If you are an aspiring writer who would like to write stories like these, or if you're looking for a free and simple way to exercise writing skill and receive critiques, I hope you'll join us. Membership in CGalliance forums (also free) is all you need to join in on the current assignment:

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The assignment: Your character is about to meet with the person who designed this bag:\ckaging&date=2005-05-13

The Winner: Michael Wilson (splitshell)


Michael shifted in his seat, glancing nervously at the receptionist. She appeared to be glowering at him. It could be the natural demeanor of receptionists everywhere, the attempt to protect their employers from sales men or multi-level marketing campaigns. On the other hand, he could be projecting his own anxiety. He wasn't sure.

Why was it so hot in here? He grasped at the knot in his tie and tried to pull his collar open.

Why couldn't Wally just keep his big mouth shut? Michael groaned inwardly for the thousandth time in the last three days. Everyone has opinions about the new banana bag slogans and artwork. My mistake was letting The Weasel know I didn't like it.

Michael sighed. Wally the Weasel everyone called him. He had been sitting at the table near the bar when Michael had mentioned too loudly to a co-worker that he disliked the creepy banana on the new bag. He had eloquently mocked the spelling and grammar mistakes, poked fun at the odd slogans and had the entire bar laughing at his jokes. It was the opportunity Wally needed.

Michael's fingers were tapping ceaselessly against the handle of his briefcase with his heel beating a counterpoint against the floor.

The Weasel wanted less competition. Of that, Michael was certain.

The staff meeting they had all attended went well. They discussed some internal department problems and they even solved some. He had suspected nothing when the department head turned the discussion to the new bags and how the advertising figures for the last quarter had gone.

Michael felt the heat rise in his face again as it had that day when he remembered how Wally staged his clever assault.

"We all love the new ads," Wally stated, his smirk all but disappearing into his feigned enthusiasm. "We were all talking about them at Millie's the other night. Just love them."

The next words Wally spoke hit Michael like a slap. The blood began pounding in his ears.

"Michael was telling us all how much he enjoys the campaign and even had some ideas we could use to make it even better!"

It was an evil thing to do. Michael thought that it would be the end of the matter. He stammered the usual mutterings about it not being his account and that he had nothing prepared for this meeting and then faltered.


Two days passed before the memo arrived. The CEO of the firm had designed the banana bag ad. In an effort to keep his finger on the pulse of the firm, he involved himself in a project every few months.

Michael whispered a curse under his breath. The receptionist was using the phone.

The door to the office opened. Mr. Zimmerman himself appeared.

Michael rose quickly and shook the executive's hand.

"They tell me you like the banana ad, Wilson. Let's talk about it. I love feedback! That was my ad, y'know."

"Yes sir, I know." Michael's heart sank. This had "Long Afternoon" written all over it. The door clicked softly shut.